Saturday, October 20, 2012

The 2nd Paul's Spooktacular Halloween Party!

Earlier today we had our Halloween Party and it was so much fun!  It is a lot of work planning for a party, buying everything, decorating, doing food, etc but I really love doing all that!  I probably say that because I always recruit help... last year my mom and sister came to my rescue and this year it was Dorthy and Virginia!  Since some of the kids we were expecting are older, we thought it would be fun to decorate pumpkins, which turned out great.  We turned our garage into a party station complete with Lovesacs (big oversized fancy beanbags) for comfy seating, food station and pumpkin decorating space for the kiddos.  Emerson's craft table was very handy today because it was just the right height for the kids to decorate their pumpkins.  All of the kids had really cute and colorful costumes.  The weather was a tad warmer than the forecast, but it has been a beautiful day.  We were so glad that we had such wonderful weather since the last several Saturdays have been fairly dreary!  It was fun visiting with everyone and watching the kids decorate and run around playing.  Of course, many of the sweet innocent little angels are at the age where everything is "MINE!!*^%^!!" so it was a little humorous putting out all the little tiffs... As it turns out, Emerson's little pretend stroller is also very popular with the boys!  Also, it doesn't matter if you have 4 different types of balls to play with because they want the one the other kid has!  Kids are hilarious... :)  We had kids of all ages come to the party and everyone played and interacted nicely even though the kids had their moments!  I posted a bunch or maybe I should say a ton of pictures on Facebook, so I will not post as many here, but here are several pics I want to share.  I tried getting one of me with Emerson, but here lately she is not into the whole picture thing... she also isn't into eating much of anything, isn't into picking up toys when she is asked... isn't into sharing... Oh the woes of raising a toddler.  Even though she tests my patience daily and I think gives me the hardest time when it comes to not doing what I ask, I love her with all my heart!  I am sure this strong personality she has will serve her well in the future!  For now it gets her in "time out" more and more often!   Her costume this year is a jockey (if you couldn't tell), which is random, I know!  I got the idea last year and thought it would be fun.  Kristen helped braid her hair and it turned out so cute!! I hope she can teach me how to braid her hair because I stink at braiding!  Oh, and Cameron is an Aggie football player, I am a rock star (of sorts), Dorthy is a cheerleader, and GG had a cute party mask!!  :)

Pumpkins for decorating and treat bags!

The decorating table!

MomMom and Cameron

Emerson decorating her pumpkin

Emily helping Emerson with her pumpkin.

Yummy food!

Our sweet little Aggie!

Emerson the jockey!

She didn't like wearing her hat!

The kids all at once and they were all happy... we were ALL shocked because this just doesn't happen!

Virginia and Dorthy

Cam with his friends Bannon and Nicolas!

All the ladies... 

Emerson was having fun running back and forth between me and Frank... silly girl!

Emerson was too busy playing with the pumpkin she decorated (with Emily's help!), but here is a picture... when I told her I wanted a picture of her with her pumpkin she thought I meant the real pumpkin, so it is sitting there too.  :)

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