Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving and Halloween Fun

I wanted to carve a pumpkin with Emerson so earlier tonight I decided to go ahead and do it!  Halloween is in just a few days... how did it sneak up??  Emerson was very interested in what I was doing and helped just a little.  When she took the top off and she saw all the stringy stuff with seeds she said "Ewe, gross" and made sure she didn't touch it!  It took a little while to clean out the inside and then I decided to copy a pattern from the carving book.  You are supposed to tape the page to the pumpkin and carve it, but I didn't see that going well so I drew it by hand first.  I think I did a pretty good job on that if I do say so myself.  :)  As I was trying to pull out one of the eyes I had carved I accidentally pulled the eye ball part of the design too so I had to modify the design.  I actually think I like it more this way, though if it hadn't happened I would have liked the original design too!  When I was finished Emerson was so impressed and really liked the pumpkin.  She wanted to look and touch it.  Now we are ready for trick-or-treaters Wednesday night after her brief spin through the neighborhood with Cameron!

Other Halloween Fun:

This weekend our neighborhood also had a kids Halloween Pageant and party.  We didn't get the kids in costume, but we had them in some cute Halloween outfits.  I wanted a picture of them together, but Emerson wouldn't have it!  :)  There was a bounce house, a huge slide, and they met by the cemetery that is in the middle of the neighborhood on the Estate side.  It is a real cemetery that is a historical marker for Plano.  In May 1895 the Collinsworth family was infected with small pox and ten family members died.  A photographer actually wrote about it on this blog and it has all the pictures:  It is pretty crazy that the cemetery is in the neighborhood, but kind of cool, except that it is a very sad story.  It makes for an appropriate place for a Halloween Party too though!  So here are a few other pics from this weekend.

Sweet little spookster!

He sort of looks like a jailbird.  :)

As close as I was going to get with a picture of them together!

She doesn't want in the jump house, but wants to jump outside of it!

A sweet older kid helping her slide down.  She enjoyed it though she seemed a little afraid.  

She is a sassy thing these days... the flare on the pants looked so cute on her.  

She had a good time!

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