Saturday, October 6, 2012

All About Emerson!

Part of me is sad that I didn't blog during Emerson's first 18 or so months... some of you know why... the thought of blogging had a negative association for me along with an irrational fear of something bad happening.  I'm soooo glad I moved past that and have really enjoyed blogging about Cameron.  I know I am probably too wordy and my seem to write a whole lot about all the little things little man does, but I am so, so, so glad to know I will have all these details available down the road to re-experience all of this again.  So back to Emerson... It isn't that I didn't record all the important parts of her growing as a baby... I did... in the classical baby book I have.  I was pretty good about updating the book every month, sometimes it was delayed by a month.  And I of course took pictures... generally I always have a camera available!  But, I didn't keep the amount of detail I am doing with Cameron.  And that is a little funny since normally you are more "on top of things" with your first.  BUT, I did take lots of videos on my phone and I have enjoyed watching them over and over and know our families will enjoy these as well.  We are so fortunate to have technology that allows us to easily capture all the fun things out little cuties do.  While you always remember certain moments with great clarity, it's impossible to remember every "special" moment with the same amount of detail.  As I watch some of these videos I will notice something I hadn't thought of in a while.  Our little sweatheart has grown so fast.  Much too fast and it is to a point where I wish I could just slow it down.   The time that has especially gone by fast was after her first birthday to now... which is when we were pregnant again and now have two little loves to enjoy...This tells me things won't slow down... so I am going to do everything I can to capture all the memories I can and share them with our families and friends.

Note- in watching these videos I am aware that I sound like a complete goof when I am talking.  :)

Emerson cooing-
Around 10 weeks old she was really talking to us.  Then she had some spit up.  :)

Emerson really talking it up during tummy time-
I emailed this one out originally because I loved it so much.  This was around 3 months.  Chances are you have seen this, but if you want to enjoy it again you can now.  :)

Emerson around 3 1/2 months-
She had part of her Halloween costume on and had just been talking alot.

Emerson laughing with MomMom-
This was her first Thanksgiving.  MomMom really had her laughing, but she had tired more when I got my phone out.  She was so funny.

Emerson trying to crawl-
This was mid January or so... around 6 1/2 months.  She was just trying to learn to crawl but would just push backwards.

Emerson laughing-
This was around 7 1/2 months and Emerson was just really laughing when we were playing with a stuffed animal.  I love the sound of her laughing.

Emerson crawling up stairs-
Cherie worked a lot with Emerson to get her to crawl up the stairs.  She had to be encouraged as you see, but look at how great she was!  This was close to 8 months old.  :)

Emerson clapping-
Around 8 months old Emerson learned to clap.  She was so funny.

Emerson trying to stand-
This is another video around 8 months where Emerson was trying to stand.  We enjoy hearing her jibber jabber...

Emerson crawling
Around 8 months... Emerson did so much at this time with everything it is crazy to think back.  She was so cute crawling and enjoying her newfound freedom!

Emerson crawling faster-
Frank and I used to be so entertained by how fast Emerson would crawl.  We were playing around trying to get her to crawl faster.

Emerson pulling up to stand
Emerson was around 8 1/2 months old here.  She was so proud to pull herself up to standing!

Emerson giggling while in hospital-
When Emerson was 10 1/2 months old her face was swollen on the left side and she was admitted into the hospital.  We were all having fun listening to her laugh.  She has always been so happy.

Emerson's "lip thing"
Emerson used to make this funny sound with her lips and we all laughed so much.  This was just over a year old.

Emerson walking
This right when she learned to walk just a little over a year old.

Emerson saying "Happy"
I am not certain, but will say this is a little before 18 months. We loved the way she said "Happy".

Emerson on big kid slide-
We love Emerson's facial expression as she comes down the slide!  Here she is around 19 months.

Emerson Animal Sounds-
Emerson 2 years old (plus a month) saying some animal sounds.  She makes me smile.

Emerson singing "They All Love Me"
My mom and sister changed the words to Jesus Loves Me one day to make a special song and have song it to her since.  I was trying to get Emerson to sing it with me so we could send it to them.  We laugh at how she stops to ask me if I am tired.  I know I sure look like I am tired!  :)

Emerson singing "You Are My Sunshine"
Emerson loves to sing this song... we always sing it at night too.  :)  9/18/12

Emerson singing ABCs-
Interestingly she doesn't really say each letter clearly when singing, but she knows all the letters.  Still a cute video though.  :)  9/18/12

I know that is a lot of information!  It's crazy how much she has grown when you see the early videos to the most recent.  And she is just over 2 years old!!  I hope you all enjoy these as much as Frank and I do.  :)

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