Monday, April 16, 2012

Cameron at 37 weeks!

As promised, here is my update about our 37 week appointment and how Cameron is growing! Our big boy has of course continued to get bigger from the last check at 32 weeks. Then he was 5 lbs 7 oz, and now they estimate 8 lbs 11 oz. So in 5 weeks he has gained a little over 3 pounds. The doctor said he is likely to gain another pound or so in the next 2 weeks so we think he will be around 9.5 pounds to 10 pounds. He had great flow again through the umbilical cord and the cord was not wrapped around his neck. He is still head down and that is the most sensitive area on my huge belly. The doctor was moving the sensor around and it was so painful when he pushed right there!! As far as measurements he measures 39w 3d, which is the 90th percentile. We got this sweet picture of his profile (below)... he has such a cute profile I think, but I am of course biased. :)

After the sono we went to see Dr. Kaye. I asked Dr. Kaye about trying to deliver Cameron vaginally and he was still very apprehensive about recommending that because he is worried about his size. This is one of those situations where if we had a crystal ball that would tell me if things would go ok then I could feel good about going for it. But because he has concerns and I also err on the side of caution we will plan on a c-section. :( This is of course not ideal, but I do not want the added stress of worrying about him getting stuck on my mind. What if something happened during the delivery? Even though things would be out of my control, I would think I should have had a c-section. So sigh... that is what we will do. Our "delivery" date (aka when they will go get him out or as Frank says extract him!) will hopefully be May 1st (39 weeks)... surely we can at least get that locked in! I really will get to where I am ok with this... It is just hard for me to be completely ok with it as I have been remembering how amazing it was with Emerson. I was thankful before, but now that I know I won't have that again I feel even more so glad that I was able to.

I am also thankful that Cameron is healthy... I probably sound so grumpy and negative. I am overjoyed to meet Cameron. The most important thing is he is healthy and I want to keep him as safe as possible. Since we are doing a c-section I really, really hope their size estimates are correct. He may not even need newborn diapers or not for long at all, but I will be glad for a healthy chunky baby. :)

Cameron's profile at 37 weeks. I'll be loving all over that little guy soon!

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