Sunday, September 6, 2015

Summertime Fun!

We have had such a busy summer!  I'll write individual posts about a few of the fun things we did, so this is more of a catch all recap of the other fun things we did, much of which is already on my Instagram, too.  :)

At the start of the summer there was definitely an excitement and energy thinking about all the fun we would have.  I was feeling good and it wasn't too hot, yet, outside.  We enjoyed many outdoor activities, like the zoo, an outdoor concert, swimming, swim lessons, summer barbecues, time with friends and more!  It's now September and crazy to think that the months of June-August went by so quickly.  Here are lots of pictures and some recaps!

Swim Lessons!!
Ms. Jordan came to our house to give the kids their swim lessons this summer as we did last summer (for part of the time).  At first they were both unsure of it all, but then they warmed up to her (as expected!) and would enjoy their lesson.  Emerson especially really learned so much this year.  She gained a lot of confidence with being in the water, much more so than how she was before lessons.  Neither one of our kids are huge water babies at all... they are so cautious and afraid of getting hurt.  At one point Emerson was so close to being able to swim on her own... but then she got scared again even though nothing happened to bring on extra fear.   Even though it has been weeks since their last lesson, both kids were so much more confident swimming in the pool this past Friday night.  Emerson was kicking her feet above the water like she was taught and Cameron was swimming with his puddle jumper on and blowing bubbles in the water with his mouth.  I was glad to see that because it is a huge change from the start of the swim season.  Our goal neat year will be for Emerson to swim without the puddle jumper.  For Cam, we hope he will be more comfortable swimming freely with his puddle jumper and doing more kicking and such... maybe we can even get him to do it without the puddle jumper.  We will see!  :)  While part of me thinks it would be fun if they were a little less apprehensive about swimming, it is also nice that I don't have to worry that they will be careless when it comes to swimming.  They both know it can be dangerous and they can get hurt if they aren't careful.  
Ms. Jordan is the sweetest instructor!

As we were in the middle of potty training, Cam was in his undies waiting for his turn to swim.

Random Stuff!  :)

This little boy is just so precious.  We were enjoying a day at the zoo.

Family zoo day!

At the zoo with friends... Emerson and Sophia enjoy time together.
We HAD to ride the train.  ;)
Swimming at the club house
It was so fun going to an outdoor concert with the kids.

We visited the Heritage Farmstead Museum in Plano 
These girls are so sweet
Aunt Amanda is the best... she loves spending time with these kids.
Emerson lost her first tooth just after her 5th birthday!  Since then she has lost another!!  
CC and CamCam  :)
We visited the Sea Life Aquarium with our friends, Nora and Kate!
More swimming fun with family!
A morning at the club house with great friends!
Story time at the Frisco Sci Tech Museum
Happy Birthday to Uncle JP!  (look at that stinker Cameron... good thing Emerson and JP were all smiles!)
Family Birthday fun for JP and Aunt Amanda at Main Event

Swimming with Frank's cousin's in Austin and enjoying a truly delicious ice cream sundae bar!!  Yum!

ASI Gymnastics for Emerson
We started Emerson in gymnastics after seeing a groupon that offered a great deal.  Since she did dance for a couple of years I thought it would be good for her to try something new.  She does a little tumbling in her school and enjoys trying to roll over, so this seemed like a great new adventure for her.  So far so good!  She is always super excited for class to start.  The stretches and exercises are completely new to her, and I can see with the stretching in particular, that she gets a little irritated holding the positions.  The instructors have been so patient and helpful to show her the proper form and help her.  Her favorite things are the trampolines that they occasionally get to jump on and the swinging rope.  When she does a new task well in class she gets to go ring this bell to celebrate.  Seeing that huge smile on her face as she runs over and rings it just absolutely melts my heart.  I want to scoop her up and squeeze her.  Though she is getting older (5 feels so old!) she will always be my precious little girl.  Seeing her so happy warms my heart so much!  Cam has also been a real trooper hanging out with me during the class.  He has recently started to love coloring books and spends much of his time coloring.  He is just so darn cute and makes me laugh with the silly little things he does.

She is just so happy!

Little goober likes hanging out with his mom.  :)

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