Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Cam's long overdue 18 month update! (since he is now almost 20 months!)

I'm so behind, so I will keep this pretty brief!  Little man continues to melt my heart every day.  He is such a tender hearted little boy (or I should perhaps say baby).  He went through a phase a while back where he hardly wanted to be held, but now he wants to be snuggled and loved on all the time.  While it is not easy to get much done when he wants to cuddle, it is really wonderful to have him in my arms and to give him lots of kisses.  His vocabulary continues to grow and he says many phrases.  Some are just two words and some 3-4 words that run together.  "I'm gonna get you!" as he and Emerson chase each other around.  "Hold this" when he wants me to hold his lovey so he can drink his milk.  He loves to say "No" still... all the time!  Ha ha.  Also, "Okay" in this super sweet voice.  One thing that tickles me is that when he is doing something he shouldn't do I will ask him if he wants to be spanked (which I know, that is a dumb question, but it works!) and he will stop what he is doing (for real!) and will say "No" in this adorable voice.  I have no chance of actually spanking him in the future if he continues to respond with that sweet innocent sounding voice, that is, should he start to ignore the threat.  So far so good it would seem...We have so much fun with this little guy.  As far as other details... he is a picky eater, despite my what somewhat vigilant attempts to keep his food variety going.  Interestingly, he loves blackberries.  Yes, you read it right.  Those little tart berries that most adults sort of flinch while eating because they are tart are like candy for Cameron.  He doesn't flinch one bit and shovels them in his mouth.  And speaking of shoveling, I will add that is Cam's preferred method of eating.  Why use the fork or spoon when you can two fist it and shove so much more in to your mouth??  We use our handheld Dyson 2-3 times a day for that reason... and I am considering getting a dog to also help with the matter.  ;)  He loves playing with his sister and they sometimes play and share in harmony, though many times there are some disputes and yelling.  He is not as passive about things as he was before because he will yell "NO!" back to her and has actually gone after her.  It really cracks me up to see him charge after her, but I am quick to diffuse the situation usually!!  He loves to turn light switches on and off and tries to plug things in and out of outlets.  I wish he would not do that so we have to really watch him!  And he enjoys playing with blocks and stacking them... and trying to play with his sister's cars while she isn't looking.  :)  Cam is still a great sleeper and usually goes to bed around 8:30 sleeping until 7:30 or later.  Oddly over the last couple of weeks both kids were really sleeping in and didn't wake up until after 8:30, sometimes 9... and one time 10!  (though the 10am is suspect as I was gone at a hair appt and this was the time Frank woke up and interestingly the kids got up shortly after...hmmmm)  When I took Cam to the doctor these were his measurements:  26 lbs 13 oz (50-75%), 33.5 inches tall (75-90%), and his head was 49 cm (75-90%).

We love our little handsome Small Paul so much!

"Call my Agent"...  aka Mom...

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