Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Thankful Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was with my family and we had everyone over to our house.  We had a ton of food, as always, and really had fun together.  As a different activity I got some paper from Macaroni Grill to put on the table and borrowed some of Emerson's crayons so we could all write what we are thankful for on the table.  Emerson was excited to be able to draw on it as well while we all ate.  We all had many things we were thankful for.  A common theme was we were thankful to all be together.  It's a little strange to be getting to this so late, but I do want to share some things we have all been thankful for.   So here are a few:

Our family (the four of us)- Emerson and Cameron are always on the move exploring their world, laughing and being kids.  I (we) can't imagine life without them.

Each other- Frank and I are thankful for each other.  It sounds corny, but I feel like we are more in love than ever.  Frank is a wonderful husband and dad... I truly am blessed.  And since he is so sweet to always say how much he loves me too I know he is thankful.

Our families-  We don't always agree, but no matter what our families are there for us.   They come to our rescue when we are about to explode. As was the case after we moved in to the new house and my family helped in so many ways.  Families make it happen because it is important and not because it is convenient.

Memories-  We lost Big Frank, which has been incredibly heart breaking for us, but we are thankful for the memories and the legacy he has left.  And we are thankful for the new memories we make to cherish with those we love.

Friendships-  We have some outstanding friends.  They are available to support us in so many ways... whether a shoulder to cry on, advice on what to do, just understanding, or to help us laugh we have the best friends who are there for us.

Health-  I have a tainted feeling when it comes to health... I say that you think you are fine until you find out that you aren't, but I am thankful that we have good health.

Our abundance- We are very blessed to know where our next meal comes from.  We don't worry that our electricity will be turned off, or that we will be evicted.  That is a world I don't even comprehend.  Growing up we had any and everything we needed and pretty much everything we "wanted" and didn't actually need.  But especially around the holidays there are more stories shared about those who go without.  Though I can't understand what that may be like, I'm thankful we don't have to choose between dinner and bills, fixing the car or dance lessons.  That's huge... it's a reality for so many people.

These are the important things that come to mind.  Of course I am thankful for many other things... our jobs... my fantastic coworkers... yall know I love me car.  I have had it for 3 years and I'm still as thrilled about it as I was when we got it... With us talking about a 3rd kiddo I am saddened it may mean a change in cars because of the space factor... but that is not going to be a big worry for a bit... for real!  :)  I'm thankful for pedicures... massages... I really love massages.  For margaritas... wine... pajamas.... the glow of a lamp light.  Soft blankets... for sleep.  Sleep is glorious.  Coffee... that's a must.  Our house, of course!  Music... I really love music!  So yeah, lots and lots of other things could be listed and I know you get the point.  So, happy belated Thanksgiving.

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