Saturday, February 6, 2016

Finley's 4 Month Update!

Sweet Finley is already 4 months old.  What a wonderful little baby she continues to be!

This month has been much calmer since we are past the holidays, but it still went by so quickly.  At the beginning of the month I noticed Finley would appear to try to roll over and that worried me, of course.  Ha!  So I decided to go ahead and unsaddle her arms.  I knew it would be a transition, but I just did not want to worry about her rolling onto her face.  In hindsight, I probably should not have worried as much, but I still can't help it.  :)  It wasn't an awful transition, though. It took just a few days to start sleeping a little longer.  I also started just picking her up to sleep with me when she woke up earlier than anticipated and have continued to do that.  She was still recovering from a virus  at the beginning of the month so I liked being able to listen to her breathing and she sleeps so well in the bed close to me.  I'm extremely careful as I know the dangers of co-sleeping.  I don't want to do this for months or anything, though it is comforting to be able to listen and hear her so close to me.  Usually she sleeps until 3:30-4 before waking up and sleeping next to me.

Finley's day usually begins around 6:15-6:30 when she wakes up and has a 6 oz bottle.  Though, sometimes she sleeps until 7.  After she is done she has started hanging out in the high chair sometimes or she will play on the mat on the floor while the kids eat breakfast. Being baby #3 is tough because we need to take Emerson to school every day and Cam 3 days a week.  So in the car seat she goes and usually stays while I run an errand or two before feeding her again.  We are on the go quite often it seems, and she has started to get a little irritable in her car seat.  I try to be good about making sure she has lots of time to stretch out and play on her mat, and am increasing tummy time as well.

She eats around 6:30-7 am, 10 am, 1:30 pm, 4:30 pm, 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm.  Some bottles are 6 oz and some are 4 oz.  She naps in her crib or pack and play (in addition to falling asleep usually in the car seat during errands) around twice a day.  Sometimes her naps are short 30 minute snoozes and sometimes an hour or longer.  No consistency yet.  :)  Bedtime is around 9:30... we have been trying to lay her down sleepy, but not asleep yet.  We were definitely rocking her to sleep each time before.

She's still very social and so so happy.  She's a big snuggle-bug... loves her cuddles.  I've gotten her to laugh a lot more now.  She thinks I am pretty silly it seems, which is true at times.  She's reaching for things and grabbing toys better and better.  She also drools more now and it seems like it is an early sign of teething that is to come.

She is wearing size 3-6 months or 6 month clothes.  Some of the 3-6 month clothes are a little small actually, but we are squeezing them on her so we get some use out of them.  :)  She is wearing size 2 diapers.

Stats from her 4 month well visit:
Weight: 14 lbs 3.5 oz (75%)
Height: 25 1/4 inches (75-90%)
HC: 41.6 cm (50-75%)

Love her so much.
Sweet sisters :)
Growing baby girl
Some tummy time!
Precious baby feet.
More tummy time practice.
Trying out her high chair for fun.  Also talking to her monkey friend.  :)
Cuddles with CC.

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