Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A New Year! Let's Go 2016!

I have to be honest... It's February 2nd and I am trying to get to this post.  While I know it is unlikely, based on my historical record thus far, that I will achieve all of the goals I set for 2016, it is still somewhat important to me.

The other day in my Mom-to-Mom meeting at church we talked about resolutions and goals and who has them and who doesn't believe in them.  I feel the new year is a good time to reflect and think about your hopes and ambitions for the next year.

Our 2015 was truly a special year.  We've had some tough years in the past with sickness, loss and stressors.  But this last year brought us happiness, health and our littlest love, Finley.

In reflecting on the goals we set, we didn't do so bad!  I still have not completed that damn family history book, but I did do many projects around the house and stop biting my nails.  I lost weight at the very beginning, though not enough, before getting pregnant.

Frank did not lose weight, but he did play a little more golf (he will dispute this) and he won the President's Cup and was the Club Champion.  He qualified for the Texas Amateur as well and had a great first day before fatigue set in!  :) And he has been an amazing dad with our kids.  He is loving and silly and is always making them giggle!

Cameron did get potty trained (that seems like forever ago now!), but he is not at the mastery level with his ABCs.  We are still working on that.  He has grown so much, but he is still my little sweetheart.

Emerson isn't in to riding her bike as she's been afraid ever since she fell, but she most definitely has mastered writing her upper and lowercase letters.  It's crazy how much they can learn in a year!  We also are not flossing as we should and now our poor baby has to have 4 cavities filled!!  Yikes... She is such a joy to be around with her stories and giggles.

So, what is the plan for 2016?

I'm going to read more books, get healthy and happy with my body, continue making memories with my loves and be the best me I can be.  Oh, and that family book... I will get to that one of these days! Maybe it's cheesy, but instead of being super specific, I am being descriptive.  I hope I look back at this year and feel like it was a happy and thankful year filled with special memories.

Frank's goals are always sort of the same... in addition to being healthier maybe he will begin pursuing his MBA... we will see.  :)

Cameron is going to learn to be more independent and learn to write the alphabet.  Hopefully we can also tech him how to ride a bike.

Emerson is going to continue learning how to read, do her homework more independently, stay focused and maybe we can get her back on to that bike!

Finley is going to slow down because she's already growing so fast.  :)

2015 was a great year.  I hope 2016 will be just as wonderful and more!  We already have some fun things planned... for me hopefully a girl's trip in May and in June we are going to Gulf Shores with my family for a beach vacation!

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