Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cameron's Two Year Birthday!

Eek... talk about being behind!  Here it is June 8th and I am writing about Cameron turning two, which happened April 29th!  Better late than never.  :)

Our little charmer has grown so much over the last few months it seems.  I still consider him by baby, but he is definitely a toddler.  He is so determined at times to do things himself that it is so cute.  He gets mad at me for trying to help him, which is why I now try to ask him if he wants help.  (Thanks Dr. R for the tip on that one)  He is an even tempered little munch for the most part.  He wants to run and play, but enjoys the occasional snuggle.  His grin will get you every time and he flashes that smile all the time for us.  He and his big sister play so well together now, for the most part!  I have caught them holding hands many times.  Emerson will grab his hands and try to dance sometimes.  They do fight over toys at times as they both like to play with each other's toys.  He will go from playing with his cars and trucks to pushing her stroller around or grabbing her purse.   Cam loves to play with his blocks and stack and build things before he will knock them down with one destructive swoop of his hands that is always followed by a giggle and him saying "Ohhhh-No!".  Then he will rebuild it again.  He can be patient at times, but when something won't work he will yell out "No!" and has a tendency to throw whatever is causing him trouble. When he is eating a meal he is really good with using a fork or spoon.  He knows that is the right way to eat food so he tries really hard to do that.  When it is something that is tricky to get on his fork he will cheat and pick it up to place it on his fork and then put it in his mouth.  It is so funny.  We love watching him run around outside.  His feet hit the ground like they are weighted down in a full body pounding motion.  He hasn't mastered the art of a more graceful trot, of course that could be a boy thing.  He and Emerson like to have races and he will yell "Ready. Set. Goooooooo!" and comes barreling down the sloped yard from our neighbors yard across our front yard.  Emerson always beats him, but I don't know how much longer that will be the case.  Cameron can count to 10 and is always so proud of himself.  He follows it with a "Yay!"  He also sings his ABCs, though he does do quite a bit of his mumbly talk.  And he likes to sing along when we sing You Are My Sunshine and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  It is pretty darn precious, I must say!  He also likes to point out all of his family members in pictures and likes to point to body parts and say what they are.  He is so great about going with the flow and following requests.  His typical response to things is "Ooo-kayyyy" in his sweet and innocent voice.  For instance, if you need him to go take a nap and say "Ok Cam, it is time to take a nap, ok?" and that is when he will reply "Ooo-kayyyy".  He really cracks us up with some of the things he says.  He will look at my earrings and will grab them and say "I like it!".  Bedtime is around 8:30 and he is up around 8 or 8:30 the next morning.  We stopped giving little guy a paci right after he turned two, and he was so good about it.  He would ask for it, but did not get upset over it.  Seriously, he is just so darn wonderful.  We aren't going to worry about potty training yet.  I just don't think I want to worry about that right now.  I will target after Christmas (unless it seems like he is really ready before then) and then we will really get after it!  :)  Cam wears size 2T in most clothes now... he still can squeeze in to a few 18-24 month bottoms as well.  His shoes are size 6.5/7 and he is in size 5 diapers.

When we went to the doctor, we got Cam's measurements so here they are:

Weight: 28.2 pounds (50-75%)
Height: 35 1/2 inches (75-95%)
HC: 50 1/2 cm (90-95%)

And here are a couple of videos and pictures of sweet Cam:

Our Small Paul with his PaulPaul  :)

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