Saturday, May 10, 2014

Cameron's Race Car 2nd Birthday Party!

We had so much fun last weekend at Cameron's race car themed 2nd birthday party.  We were blessed with beautiful weather and so many family and friends were able to join the celebration.  This was our first birthday celebration in the new house and we were able to enjoy the patio and backyard.  I really love the layout of our house and am looking forward to celebrating special occasions here for many years!

For the party, Cameron was sporting a super cute birthday t-shirt that was custom made by Megan Martinez through her Etsy shop, The main attraction for the kids was the cardboard race cars that our wonderful friend Wade brought from his company,  The race cars are $20 each for anyone who would like to purchase a new one to decorate.  :)  The cars were fantastic and the kids enjoyed painting them with the washable paints we had out and the markers.  After painting everyone enjoyed the hot dogs, baked beans, chips, fruit and sipped on the assorted "pop" I got at a local popcorn store called Crave.  Then we had the car races.  We lined up the kids four at a time to have them run in races.  After the race they got to pick a little Matchbox race car as their prize.  Then we enjoyed cupcakes that were iced in blue, green or white.  Those blue cupcakes sure did stain everyone's mouths, tongue, and the little kiddos faces!  We sang Happy Birthday and Cameron moved on to opening presents as some guests were needing to head out.  Everyone who came got a little goody bag that contained a race car, race car tattoos, race car gummies and some candy.  And all the adults got some yummy popcorn from Crave.

Cam loves all of his gifts (and so does his sister!).  He has been busy playing with all the new toys.  His Aunt Amanda got him a Radio Flyer tricycle that he attempts to ride and then decides to push around.  We will work on his cycling skills.  :)

Here are pictures from all the fun!!  And thanks to everyone who came to help celebrate!

Race track leading to the cars.

Everyone busy painting the cars.

Sophia enjoyed painting with the pink paint!

Everyone painting the cars

Griffin cheesing it up!  

Barb and Laura with their littles.

Nora sure did enjoy her cupcake!

Cam decided to get into the icing!

Us with the birthday boy!

Emerson was painting the blue car with blue paint.

Cam was getting into the paint a little!

The kids racing!


Time to race!

Sweet little birthday boy!

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